We want to have the highest expectations for the children in our community to help them be successful at school and in the future. We want to support children to be the best version of themselves and to help them make good choices in lessons and around school. We want them to do the ‘right thing’ because it is the ‘right thing to do’.

We want children to feel safe around school. By having high expectations and clear systems in place we hope to keep any negative experiences to a minimum, to reduce bullying and to ensure that children have a positive experience at lunchtimes. A clear behaviour policy makes the school a happier, kinder place.

We want children to be able to focus and learn in lessons, without disturbances. High expectations and a clear behaviour system will allow this to happen. Students will be able to make good progress as a result, achieving the best for themselves.

Finally, the purpose of our behaviour policy is to help prepare and develop our students for the world beyond school. To support them to become strong and confident individuals who will succeed and thrive in the world of work. To support this message, we  no longer have school ‘rules’ and instead we will be focusing on ‘Employment Standards’ to link positive actions and habits to the future success they will bring. Employment standards are based on key work skills that everyone needs.

What are our ‘Employment Standards’?

There are six ‘Employment Standards’ designed to help support students to learn and succeed:

Punctuality and attendanceBeing on time and present is an important life skill. Students are expected to be on time and attend every day. Lessons start at 8.30am. From September, the school gate will close at 8.25am and students will receive a ‘Correction’ if they arrive after this.
UniformStudents who want to succeed wear perfect uniform. It is important they take pride in themselves and the school. No student will be allowed into lessons without perfect uniform. Please refer to our previous letter for more details.
OrganisationSuccessful students complete homework on time.
EquipmentStudents who wish to succeed always bring the right equipment every day. Please see the attached behaviour guide for more details
On-task behaviourStudents who want to succeed are on-task in every lesson and behave appropriately around site. Students should conduct themselves properly in public whilst in school uniform.
Positive responseGood manners cost nothing. We are a modern school with traditional values. Good communication skills are vital in the world and in employment. Students are expected to demonstrate good manners to everyone.

What will the consequences of not meeting ‘Employment Standards’ be?

Our corrections system is straightforward and easy to understand, Students will be given a ‘reminder’ for minor behaviour incidents in lessons. Following this, all ‘corrections’ will take place after school on the day of the incident. We will ensure that the home is contacted before 2 pm on the day of the correction to ensure that alternative arrangements for students getting home can be made if required.

There will not be any break or lunchtime detentions.

After-school ‘corrections’ are an important part of Selston High School’s behaviour policy and unfortunately, parents cannot ‘opt out’ of these. We ask that parents trust and support the school in our decisions. Where a student does not complete a ‘correction’ the consequence will escalate along our pathway.


Detentions will now be known as ‘corrections’ as students will now complete restorative work at these times in order to improve and correct their behaviour. We believe that teaching students how to act well is an important part of the curriculum and ‘corrections’ will be used to help children make better choices the next time. We want students to learn from their mistakes and to become better people as a result.

We want to have a ‘no grudges’ culture and for students to have a fresh start every day once a correction has been completed. By having corrections on the same day, we can ensure that situations are addressed and rectified, restorative conversations and actions have taken place and that the student is ready to start with a clean slate the following morning, without a consequence already in place.

Students will be given a ‘Reset’ for the incidents identified in the attached sanctions chart. A reset will involve a student being out of lessons all day, including break and lunch and will last until 4pm. Once again, students will be expected to complete restorative work to help them learn and grow from the situation.

Suspensions replace the term exclusion. Suspended students will always be given a re-integration meeting and a plan to support them back into school. Sometimes students may also be required to complete a ‘reset’ on their return to school.

Please take the time to read our behaviour policies and systems. We know that these systems work and that they will help children learn and be successful. We all want the best for the students of Selston High School and through having unashamedly high expectations of our young people and through the school and families working in partnership, we are confident that these changes will ensure they all have the opportunity to reach their potential.

Please click here for our policies