Students begin to study their option choices in year 10 and embark upon a 2-year key stage 4. The school feels that this in no way reduces the broad and balanced nature of the curriculum, in fact, it has broadened the curriculum offered to students. A greater variety of subjects can be offered due to students opting for four subjects; in particular, there has been an increase in the number of vocational subjects available to students; which reflects the local community that our school serves. All subject areas, including Languages, Humanities, The Arts, Sports, Technology and Vocational are available to all students, who are encouraged to select from a range of faculty areas. Students who have the ability to cope with the demands of studying a Language, alongside a Humanities subject are actively encouraged to do so during the Options process in order the meet the government targets for students achieving the EBacc.

The options process is reviewed yearly to ensure it remains student-centred and meets the specific needs of each individual cohort.

Students choose their option subjects from those available grouped into a number of blocks. Before constructing these blocks we consider carefully the needs of particular learners within the cohort undertaking a trial run without blocks to see which subject combinations provide the best fit for each cohort.

The options process is student centred where students are supported through assemblies, tutor periods and individual interviews to think through their choices and future plans. Once their choices have been submitted all students have a one to one interview with our Curriculum Lead to discuss and finalise their choices.

Students at Selston High School currently study their options over three years. Over our two week timetable they study the core subjects for 30 out of the 50 lessons per fortnight. In the remaining 20 lessons students complete four option choices which they will complete over three years of study. 

Core Provision – Students study all of these subjects 
English Language  English Literature  Mathematics 
Core PE  Combined Science  PSHE/RE 


Core EBacc Provision – Students study one of these subjects 
GCSE Geography  GCSE History 


Option Provision – Students will study two of these subjects 
GCSE Courses  Vocational Courses 
GCSE Art & Design  BTEC Tech Award Health & Social Care 
GCSE Computer Science  City & Guilds Construction & The Built Environment
GCSE Drama  WJEC Level1/2 Award in Engineering 
GCSE French  Cambridge National Sports Science 
GCSE Geography  BTEC Tech Award in Travel & Tourism 
GCSE History 
GCSE Photography 
GCSE Spanish   
GCSE Triple Science   

Please note that the above information shows the course offered for September 2024. Some courses may not be offered in the future.


Our Option booklet provides further information on the process and the courses available it can be found below. – please note that some courses mentioned in this booklet may not run due to resource limitations.