Sports Clubs
We offer a variety of activities including trampolining, football, boccia, rounders, rugby, basketball, badminton, athletics, and dance at lunch and after school with teams participating in local competitions. We also provide opportunities for students to get become sports leaders, working with local primary schools to organize sporting tournaments.
In recent years we have organized very successful visits to Iceland to look at geographical formations, taken students skiing in Italy, experienced foreign language, and culture during visits to France and Spain, enjoyed an acting workshop on Drama visits to the West End and visited the sites and museums during Science visits to London.
As part of their studies students visit the Derbyshire dales, local businesses, local theatres and music venues, Birmingham, and the Holderness Coast.
Students are entered in the UKMT maths individual and team challenges. We are past winners of the UK LEGO robotics challenge. Our Academy Trust also hosts competitions across the 9 schools.
Subject support
In addition to the regular intervention and catchup classes that take place. Many subject areas run after school clubs.
Our Drama club regularly puts on very popular shows where students not only perform but are encouraged to take many of the backstage and technical roles.
Music offers not only individual instrument or vocal tuition during the school day but the
opportunity to get involved with the many musical ensembles which perform at school events and in our local community.
Students are encouraged and supported to consider others and wider issues.
Groups are currently or have recently.
- Worked on environmental issues, planting trees around the site and considering the wider global issues
- Collected for local good causes.
- Organised and run coffee mornings for local and national charities
Pledge Award
We encourage all of our students to work towards achieving the Selston Pledge Award
For further information – click here