At Selston High School we intend to offer a high quality and robust Careers, Educations, Information, Advice & Guidance (CEIAG) Programme that is student centred is responsive to the needs of all our students as they progress through their learning experiences.
Our Careers Programme aims to:
- Develop a student’s awareness of themselves in relation to their interests and values and understand how these relates to jobs.
- Increase a student’s awareness of the wide range careers available to them.
- Support students as they explore career opportunities which including those in the emerging and green industries.
- Support pupils as the transition through each key stage into their Post-16 and beyond.
Our objective is to ensure we:
- Raise the aspirations of each student about themselves and the opportunities available to them.
- Provide opportunities for student to engage with employers through World of Work experiences in person or virtually that enables them to develop their employability skills.
- Provide up to date and accurate Labour Market Information (LMI) that is easily accessible to all pupils regardless of the levels of ability.
- Equip students with the skills necessary to make well informed realistic decisions about their Post-16 options and opportunities that is unique to them.
Our students can access relevant and up to date careers information from a variety of sources. Students also have access to their own online career plan through Xello. This enables students to develop their plans for the further through a series of online tools and activities. All students have the opportunity to be involved through:
Parent and Carers also have the opportunity to attend careers appointments for students, we have links on our school website which allows student and parental feedback on the careers provision, this feedback helps us to review and develop our curriculum year upon year.
- Careers Assemblies
- National Careers and Apprenticeship Weeks
- College Visits
- University Visits
- Work Experience in person or virtually
- Careers Days
Parent and Carers also have the opportunity to attend careers appointments for students, we have links on our school website which allows student and parental feedback on the careers provision, this feedback helps us to review and develop our curriculum year upon year.
Work Experience 2024
Monday 1st July – Friday 5th July 2024
We are really excited to be bringing back a wonderful new opportunity for our Year 10 students, taking part in work experience. Year 10 students should be finding a placement for the Week beginning the 1st July 2024
- Give students an experience of the world of work
- Allow students to practice skills they have developed at school
- Ease the transition from school to work
- Develop school/business/community links and liaison
- Promote awareness of the world of work, leading to better-informed career decisions
- Develop students’ knowledge and understanding of the organisation and structure of business
- Make students more aware of their potential in the adult world.
Please see last year’s documents below for more information.
The Gatsby Benchmarks were developed on behalf of the Gatsby Foundation by Sir John Holman and highlight what ‘good careers work’ looks like. They provide a clear framework for organising our careers provision at Selston High School. These benchmarks have been accepted as best practice by the Government and as a school we strive to meet all 8 of the benchmarks via the activities students are involved in.
The 8 Gatsby Benchmarks are:
- A stable careers programme
- Learning from careers and labour market information
- Addressing the needs of each student
- Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Encounters with employers and employees
- Experiences of workplaces
- Encounters with further and higher education
- Personal guidance
Our planned School careers program for 2022-2023 aims to raise aspirations of all students and features these events:
Year 7
- The World of Work – Assembly and lessons (G1, G2, G7)
- Specific subject careers weeks (G1, G2, G4, G5)
- RSHE – Careers lessons on Finance (G1, G2)
- RSHE – Careers lessons on Success (G1, G2)
- Use of Xello in PSHE lessons (G1, G2, G3)
Year 8
- Use of Xello in Enrichment lessons (G1, G2, G3)
- Work Experience (student reception) (G6)
- Specific subject careers weeks (G1, G2, G4, G5)
- Option Evening – information from subjects (G2, G7)
- Parents evening – support from subject staff regarding options (G2, G7, G8)
- Your Choices – Assembly and lessons (G1, G2, G7)
- Careers Lessons in PSHE (G1, G2)
Year 9
- Use of Xello in PSHE lessons (G1, G2, G3)
- Specific subject careers weeks (G1, G2, G4, G5)
- Option Evening – information from subjects (G3)
- Parents evening – support from subject staff regarding options (G3)
- Your Choices – Assembly and lessons (G1, G2)
- Careers Lessons in PSHE (G1, G2)
- Individual Careers interviews for some students (G8)
Year 10
- Use of Xello in PSHE lessons (G1, G2, G3)
- Selston Careers Fair (G1, G7, G5)Access to the Careers Support page on
- Teams (G1, G7, G2, G3)
- Specific subject careers weeks (G1, G2, G4, G5)
- Exploring Careers – Assembly and lessons (G1, G2, G7)
- Careers Lessons in PSHE including CV creation (G7)
- Individual Careers interviews for all students (G8)
- Mock Interview Day – local employers (G1, G3, G5)
- Work Experience – 1 Week in June (G5, G6)
Year 11
- Use of Xello in PSHE lessons (G1, G2, G3)
- Selston Careers Fair (G1, G7, G5)
- Access to the Careers Support page on Teams (G1, G2, G3, G7)
- Specific subject careers weeks (G1, G2, G4, G5)
- Moving On – Assembly and lessons (G1, G3, G7)
- Careers Lessons in PSHE including how to apply to college (G1, G7)
- Assemblies from Specific Post 16 Providers (G7)
- Individual Careers interviews with follow up meetings if needed (G8)
Expert support and guidance is offered from our Careers adviser Miss Jemma Barrett ( who is in school every Wednesday and Thursday for one-to-one interviews and drop-in sessions. Students can also contact Miss. Barrett by making an appointment through their form tutor or Head of Year. The school Lead for Careers is Mr Mckinlay (
Click here to view out policies.
Open Days 2023-2024
Further Careers Links and Support – This is the Government’s hub for careers advice for people of all ages. This website has careers advisors that are able to support with Careers advice and CV writing. – Current Apprenticeship vacancies that can be filtered by location. – This website aims to help you to make the most of your potential by showing how others have used theirs, take the ‘Buzz’ personality profile quiz. – Investigate careers, watch videos and get advice, find out about employers and work experience opportunities in your area. – This provides video based job profile information and a skills explorer tool. – This website gives clear and comprehensive information about a range of Career Zones (sectors), in an easy to access format. You can create a profile to help to collate useful information. ’60 second interviews’ giving profiles of professionals, provide a useful insight into specific careers. – Springboard is for students. It is divided into two main sections: the Career Test and the Career Exploration Tool. These two interactive tools allow students to find some career inspiration and gain an insight into their different career options. – Not just nursing and medicine! There are hundreds of NHS careers available, use this site to find out more – Look at this website for opportunities that exist outside of university. – This site has useful videos, demonstrating how to complete the online applications for many top companies in the UK, as well as providing detailed information on salaries and interviews. Applications forms can be printed off directly from this site. – Lots of information about specific sectors as well as advice on how to create a CV and prepare for interviews. – This website displays current apprenticeship and school leaver programme opportunities, to the latest school leaver job news, and gives career journey advice. – This website gives live apprenticeship vacancies, organised by sector or area. It also gives plenty of advice on making applications.
Websites that relate to University – Explore this website to find out information about university courses on offer. – This website represents 24 leading universities and is a source of careers information & advice including ‘informed choices’, a downloadable guide to making post 16 choices. – Find out which areas you could access after a particular degree.
“Skillsometer can help you discover what jobs you might like to do in the future. You will be presented with a series of statements. Select the emoji that shows how you feel about each statement. You will be given suggestions of jobs linked to what you most enjoy doing.”
Careerometer can be used to explore and compare key information about occupations, help you learn about different occupations and identify potential careers. It provides access to a selection of UK headline data relating to pay, weekly hours of work and future employment prospects for different occupations, as well as description of the occupation. Simply type in the title of the job you are interested in and the widget provides a series of options from which you can select the most relevant to you. You can then look up another two occupations and compare. You can also select ‘display the UK average’ and compare the information with the occupation you have selected.
SLT Careers Lead
Ross McKinlay
TTCT Careers Advisor
Jemma Ashby