It is important that students arrive in school and at lessons ‘Ready to Learn’ 

‘Ready to Learn’ is a set of routines that children will follow which will allow them to be more successful at school and in their studies. The routines help to build ‘intrinsic motivation’ – a desire to do well for oneself – and maximise learning time and attention and focus in lessons.

Ultimately, what we all want for the young people at Selston High School is for them to be happy, confident and successful in the outside world beyond school. Employers value punctuality, attendance, organisation, preparedness, confidence, resilience, teamwork and the ability to work independently using initiative. ‘Ready to Learn’ aims to develop all of these skills. Furthermore, academic achievement is also hugely important in today’s world with many trades and professions requiring strong GCSE passes. ‘Ready to Learn’ will help students succeed academically.

The first element of ‘Ready to Learn’ is simple; being in the correct uniform for school, with the correct equipment – just as you would be expected to be in the world of work. Our first ‘routine’ occurs at the school gate in the morning: Welcome ‘Standards’ Gate. Every morning, SLT and pastoral staff will be at the gates welcoming children into school. Students will show the staff their equipment and planners at the gate, ensuring they are prepared for the day. Where a student does not have the correct uniform or equipment,
this will be provided.

Students are expected to wear school uniform and to maintain a smart, sensible and business like appearance at all times which provides them with high standards to gain employment.

Students who arrive to school with incorrect uniform will be expected to wear uniform provided by the school. Failure to do this will result in sanctions being applied.

Grey Blazer with school badge

School tie (Blue with silver stripe)

Either Black trousers – these must be tailored trousers.  (No labels, coloured buttons/buckles and must not be of a “hipster” style.  Any belts must be functional, minimalist and not a fashion accessory) or Black, knee length skirt (Not pencil or stretchy style).

White formal plain shirt with long or short sleeves (Not polo style) – tucked in at all times

Grey or black plain V-neck sweatshirt (Optional) – round neck jumpers are not permitted

Black or grey socks or Black or natural tights

Plain, black formal shoes – no trainers or logo’s (see below for examples)

(All items of school uniform should be permanently marked with the owner’s name)


All students must have a waterproof coat with a hood.

No denim is allowed.

Coats must not be worn instead of the school blazer.

Coats must not be worn in classrooms/school hall or the dining room. (They should be placed in lockers and collected as needed before/during registration/break/lunch).

Baseball caps must not be worn whilst in uniform.

‘Hoodies’ are not allowed in school.

Hair accessories must be small, unobtrusive and functional.

We appreciate that the cost of school uniform can be an issue for some parents/carers.

We consider the following to be generic items that can be bought from any retailer allowing parents to take advantage of reductions, sales etc.

Black Trousers,
Black Skirt,
Formal White shirts,
Grey or black V-neck sweatshirt,
Black or grey socks or natural tights,
Black formal shoes
Football Boots
Plain navy shorts
Sport socks.

Many parents offer second hand uniform for sale on local Facebook groups or Ebay

Below is a summary of when reductions are expected at national uniform retailers

PE Kit:

Plain Navy Shorts

Navy/Sky Blue Rugby Shirt (reversible)

Navy/Sky Blue Sports Shirt with collar

Sky Blue football socks

White sports socks

Football boots

Navy tracksuit or jogging bottoms for outdoor use only (optional)

Selston PE jumper

Training shoes to be used for PE only (no plimsolls)

(All items of school uniform should be permanently marked with the owner’s name)



It is difficult to define appropriate hairstyles for school since fashions change all the time, but in general, they should not be excessive or offensive, eg, shaved patterns on the scalp. Parents should seek guidance from the appropriate Head of Year about the suitability of hairstyles BEFORE a visit to the hairdresser if their child is considering a hairstyle which differs widely from the norm. Colours which are not natural, e.g., green/ bright red/blue/pink/bright purple are not acceptable for school. Hair colours must also be for a full head of hair and not different colours.


The only acceptable items are a wristwatch and one pair of plain small earlobe studs which must be removed for all PE or other practical activities where they could be a danger.

Nose piercings MUST be replaced by a clear plastic retainer which can be provided by school.

On grounds of Health & Safety facial/body piercings are not allowed in school.


No make-up is allowed in Years 7 and 8.

Subtle and discreet make-up is allowed in Years 9-11.

Students breaching the make-up guidelines will be required to remove it.

No nail varnish or false nails to be worn.

False eyelashes are not to be worn.

All students are expected to bring essential equipment to school every day, so they are ready to learn. Students should bring the following to school.

Black pen




School planner, issued by the school

Calculator – Casio FX-83GTX Classwiz or equivalent

A clear plastic pencil case to organise equipment

As part of students being ‘Ready to Learn’ there are then some in-lesson routines that students will be expected to follow, for example:

1. Focused Start to lessons: Staff will greet students at the door of the classroom and students are expected to greet them back and go into the room in silence, get their equipment out and begin their first task immediately. This provides a calm and focused start to lessons and maximises learning time.

2. STAR: During teacher talk and discussion, students will be asked to follow ‘STAR’ – Sit up, Track the speaker, Ask and answer questions, and Respect the speaker. This helps develop interpersonal and communication skills.

3. Focused Finish: At the end of lessons, students will pack away and leave the lesson in silence. This allows a calm transition between lessons and again prevents disruption to the learning of others.

These routines will help students develop good learning habits that will help them at school and in the future.

These routines make it easy for students to ‘get it right’ the first time and to do the right thing because it is the right thing to do. They will help students to be successful in school and confident in the outside world.