We are a mainstream and inclusive secondary school based in Selston, Nottinghamshire.

One of the strategic anchors as a Trust is to build a compelling culture where all students can succeed regarding of any individual needs.

We focus very much on ensuring that our students are scaffolded to experience a mainstream curriculum offer.

We are committed to ensuring that students with learning difficulties and / or disabilities can access an ambitious, broad and balanced curriculum.

Our approach to inclusion is aligned to our school values of;

  • Ambition
  • Teamwork
  • Honesty
  • Respect

It is our belief that the entitlement to a broad, balanced, relevant and scaffolded curriculum is a right for all and should not be constrained by age, gender, creed, race, physical disability, special education needs or vulnerability.

This entitlement should be delivered by trained personnel, committed to maximum inclusion, who are able to provide a happy, sensitive, secure and developmental environment in which all individuals are encouraged and enabled to undertake self-development, self-advocacy, respect for self, respect for others and respect for the environment.

Equality of opportunity, thoughtful and effective assessment, parental involvement, and effective teaching appropriate to the needs of the individual and the subject matter should be integral to the planning of educational provision, for all students.

A committed Learning Support Team offers personal support and guidance to students and works hard to ensure students feel settled as soon as they arrive and feel confident that their needs are known and are being met. We exploit a range of information about students to ensure that transition is as smooth as possible.

The Learning Support team are fully committed to supporting all students to achieve the mission of ensuring they are fully prepared to make a special contribution to the world we share.

We want all students to access any enrichment they desire to widen their skill set, to access any trip to increase their confidence and to access the curriculum to allow them to discover their passion and immerse themselves into their chosen subjects

Assistant Headteacher- SENCO: Jessica Warren (jessica.warren@selston.ttct.co.uk)

Assistant SENCO: Maxine Hosking (maxine.hosking@selston.ttct.co.uk)

Lead Teaching Assistant: Georgina Cooley,

Teaching Assistants: Jennie Jennison, Michael Barrow, Courtney Walker, Fern Achim, Deborah Farnsworth, Jessica Ware, Yasmin Tesoriere, Amy Reeve

The SENCo has day-to-day responsibility for the operation of SEND policy and coordination of specific provisions made to support individual pupils with SEND, including those who have EHC plans. The SENCO provides professional guidance to colleagues and will work closely with staff, parents and other agencies. The SENCO will be aware of the provision in the Local Offer and be able to work with professionals providing a support role to families to ensure that pupils with SEND receive appropriate support and high-quality teaching.

  • Communication and interaction
  • Cognition and learning
  • Social, emotional, and mental health difficulties
  • Sensory or physical
  • Quality first teaching is at the heart of a truly inclusive curriculum.
  • Learning needs are met through a broad, balanced, and relevant curriculum taught by teachers who are experts in their fields; we have a very experienced set of teachers who bring a wealth of knowledge, expertise and challenge to each lesson.
  • Students undertake appropriate assessments throughout the year and have opportunities to display their knowledge and successes and to gain important feedback and support where needed in structured intervention sessions.
  • All students have a form tutor who maintains an overview of both their academic progress but also emotional health and well-being. The form tutor is very much the student’s champion.
  • Teachers will ensure that students are supported, scaffolded, and stretched in lessons and have appropriate homework set.
  • Learning Support Centre provides a space for students to work and gain support from adults.
  • Students who have an Educational Health Care Plan (ECHP) will have a named key worker from the Learning Support Team.
  • Where appropriate students will have access to IT devices to support their learning such as laptops or a reader pen.
  • All SEND students’ academic progress will be monitored using assessments that are appropriate and relevant to their learning.
  • During the year the Learning Support Team will review students’ next steps and targets to ensure the students are making progress. Where a student is failing to make progress, their provision needs to be reviewed or increased.

Frequently Asked Questions

Your main point of contact at school should always be your child’s tutor. Start by contacting the tutor to discuss your concerns. You may then need to speak to the Head of Year, Assistant Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) or Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator.

  • Parents are made aware of the progress their child should be making, as well as the progress they are actually making, through school trackers, progress reports and Parents’ Meetings. At Parents’ Meetings teachers will discuss learning within their subject and how parents can support this outside of school. Tutors play a key role in contacting parents about things that have happened in school and ways in which parents and school can work together to support students. Parents can meet with staff from the Learning Support to discuss individual learning difficulties.
  • The ClassCharts Parent App is used for parents to track, attendance, achievements, and behaviour across the school. Alongside this, parents of SEND students have access to a Provision Map log in to track the support and interventions in place for their children, along with the reviews of these interventions.
  • If your child has an Education, Health Care Plan (EHCP), then there are legal requirements for at least 3 formal contacts each year, one of which will be the Annual Review which is organised by the SENCO and attended by parents/carers, teachers and partner agencies involved in the student’s education. The other contacts can be in the form of parent evenings, additional reviews or contacts via letter, email, or phone calls.
  • As part of their Professional Standards, teachers monitor and review all students’ progress throughout the year. Student progress data is collected in line with the assessment calendar to enable tutors and subject teachers to track the progress that students are making and to intervene if students are experiencing difficulties. The overall progress of students with SEND as well as within individual subjects is analysed each term. Governors are kept up to date with the attainment, progress and attendance of all students including those with SEND.
  • The effectiveness of interventions is monitored by the SENCO. This will involve both looking at data but also through observing the delivery of the interventions.
  • Subject teachers are responsible for the progress of all students in their lessons. They are trained to teach children of all abilities and are expected to make the curriculum available to all. We fully believe in quality first teaching in our school.
  • The SENCO ensures that students individual needs are being met. The SENCO works with all stakeholders including the Headteacher and Local Governing Body to develop policies and practices that support all students including those with SEND.
  • Additional provision for students with SEND who are significantly below the expectations for their age may include one of the following, use of technology, additional support from adults or tailored interventions sessions.
  • School staff support students both inside and outside of lessons to ensure they can access their learning and are developing socially.
  • Students with an EHCP will have a nominated key worker who will work with families, students and external agencies.
  • In all lessons subject teachers plan to tailor work (based on the information provided by the SENCo) to meet the needs of students with SEND and to help them make at least expected progress.
  • Some students receive focussed individual or group support within the learning support department to improve literacy, numeracy and social skills that will impact on progress across the curriculum.


  • In some curriculum areas students are grouped by ability, whilst other curriculum areas are taught in mixed groups. Subject teachers will model tasks and tailor the activities and resources within their lessons in a variety of ways to support all students access the learning.
  • Option choices are well supported to ensure that curriculum decisions are based on students interests and ambitions for their future. Families will always be involved in the process to ensure all students receive a high value curriculum that prepares them well for their next steps in education, employment, and training.
  • The curriculum will provide students not only to access to qualifications that will open doors for students but ensure they have the knowledge, skills and understanding to be successful in life.

All students are entitled to be included in all aspects of the school community and we aim for all students to be included in school trips and out of school hours learning opportunities.

  • A risk assessment is carried out prior to any off-site activity to ensure that everyone’s health and safety cannot be compromised. We will make every effort to make reasonable adjustments to enable a student to participate but in the unlikely event that it is considered unsafe for a student to take part in an activity then alternative relevant activities will be provided in school.
  • The tutor is at the heart of the school’s pastoral system and day to day contact with students enables the tutor to gain an overall view of students’ wellbeing. In addition to tutors there are various pastoral staff trained to support students with social and emotional difficulties.
  • The Learning Support department provides a quiet area for students who struggle with social situations. It opens before school and during breaks and lunchtimes.
  • Procedures are in place to support students with medical needs, and we have a clear procedure for the safe administration of medicines.
  • The SENCO liaises with a range of specialist services to ensure provision for students is appropriate and meets their needs. These include:
  • Health GPs, school nurse, clinical psychologist, and psychiatrists (CAMHs), paediatricians
  • Speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists
  • Social Care services — Early Help Workers, social workers, child protection teams
  • Educational Psychology Service
  • Careers Service
  • Specialist teacher advisors — visual impairment, hearing impairment, physical impairment
  • Local Authority Officers
  • SEND training is an ongoing programme of professional development for staff.
  • Information is shared with relevant staff about the needs of students.
  • All staff are provided with relevant specialist training as needed to support the students in our schools.

• Inclusion staff have a professional development opportunity to develop specialist knowledge and understanding.

  • Our site is accessible using ramps where needed, all buildings are on ground level.
  • We have disabled toilets located around the site.
  • There are designated car parking bays for disabled staff, students, and visitors.
  • The school’s floors are fully accessible for wheelchair users. The site has disabled toilets.
  • We are fully committed to promoting a genuinely inclusive approach where students and parents participate as fully as possible in the decision making process that determines support and provision. To achieve the best possible educational and other outcomes for students, the views, wishes and feeling of students and their parents will be considered. This is particularly important at transition points to ensure appropriate decisions are made and students are prepared effectively for adulthood.
  • The views of parents are highly valued, and the school conducts perceptions survey every year to seek feedback on a wide range of topics which inform whole school planning.
  • Strong partnerships with parents support student progress and parents can meet with subject teachers at Parents Meetings and tutors at various events.
  • Parents can meet with staff from the Learning Support to discuss individual learning difficulties and use the school communication system to liaise with the Learning Support on SEND specific matters.
  • Students’ views are highly valued, and their opinions are sought on many aspects of school life using a variety of methods. We have regular surveys for all students to take part in.
  • Students can speak to their form tutor daily to raise any questions, queries or concerns.
  • Student panels are used to discuss new strategies and are sometimes used during the selection of new staff.
  • SEND students can provide feedback to their keyworker as needed.
  • EHCP students’ views will be sought before any review meetings take place.
  • A parent’s/carer’s first point of contact should be the child’s tutor to share concerns.
  • Parents/carers can also arrange to meet the SENCO please contact reception for this to be arranged. We would encourage parents to raise any questions, queries or concerns as early as possible so that we can respond with professional urgency to support the student the best we can.
  • Ask Us is a free, impartial service which provides support, guidance, and information about education issues to parents of children who have Special Educational Needs
  • A smooth transition from Key Stage 2 to 3 is very important to us and the school takes great care in preparing students for the changes ahead. Students will learn effectively when they feel prepared, comfortable and safe in the school environment. Parents and students in Year 5 and 6 are invited to an open evening in October where tours enable them to see different areas of the school in action. The school works closely with our partner primary schools to organise a programme of activities, visits and experience of secondary school life during Year 6.
  • At Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 1 1) students choose from a wide range of GCSE, BTEC and vocational courses which help them to prepare for the next steps in their education. Students and families are supported through this process by the senior team and the Two Counties Trust careers advisors.
  • Students with an EHCP who are moving onto further education or training are supported by an advisor from the Local Authority, they will attend all annual review meetings from Year 9 to help plan and organise support for the move to college or vocational training. The SEN team liaises with specialist advisory teachers to support individual students with SEND e.g., to accompany a student with a visual impairment on college visits.
  • In-year admissions — all students admitted to the school after the start of the academic year are screened on entry to identify any areas of need and to provide information to staff about the student’s learning. Contact is always made with the previous school to ensure the transfer of information and the child’s school file.
  • Moving to a new school — Contact is always made with the new school to ensure the transfer of information and the child’s school file.

At Selston High School we recognise that people, situations and circumstances often need to be treated individually ensuring that all students are ready to learn, can access the curriculum and can make outstanding progress.  

The essence of equity versus equality is highlighted in the picture below.