We are a mainstream and inclusive secondary school based in Selston, Nottinghamshire.

One of our strategic anchors as a Trust is to build a compelling culture where all students can succeed regardless of any individual needs.

We focus on ensuring that our students are scaffolded to experience a mainstream curriculum offer.

We are committed to ensuring that students with learning difficulties and / or disabilities can access an ambitious, broad and balanced curriculum whilst also being supported.

Our approach to inclusion is aligned to our school values of:

  • Ambition
  • Teamwork
  • Honesty
  • Respect

It is our belief that the entitlement to a broad, balanced, relevant and scaffolded curriculum is a right for all and should not be constrained by age, gender, creed, race, physical disability, special education needs or vulnerability.

This entitlement should be delivered by trained personnel, committed to maximum inclusion, who are able to provide a happy, sensitive, secure and developmental environment in which all individuals are encouraged and enabled to undertake self-development, self-advocacy, respect for self, respect for others and respect for the environment.

Equality of opportunity, thoughtful and effective assessment, parental involvement, and effective teaching appropriate to the needs of the individual and the subject matter should be integral to the planning of educational provision, for all students.

A committed SEND offer personal support and guidance to students and work hard to ensure they feel settled as soon as they arrive and feel confident their needs are known and met. We have a rigorous and refined transition system in place to ensure a seamless move.

The SEND Team are committed to supporting all students to achieve the mission of ensuring they are fully prepared to make a special contribution to the world we share.

We want all students to access any enrichment they desire to widen their skill set, to access any trip to increase their confidence and to access the curriculum to allow them to discover their passion and immerse themselves into their chosen subjects

Assistant Headteacher- Inclusion Strategic Lead: Jessica Warren (jessica.warren@selston.ttct.co.uk)

SENCO: Maxine Hosking (maxine.hosking@selston.ttct.co.uk)

Lead Teaching Assistant: Georgina Cooley,

Teaching Assistants: Michael Barrow, Anitha Boston, Ellie Cook, Jennie Jennison, Amy Reeve, Yasmin Tesoriere, Courtney Walker.

The SENCo has day-to-day responsibility for the operation of the SEND policy and coordination of specific provisions made to support individual learners with SEND, including those with EHC plans. The SENCO provides professional guidance to colleagues and works closely with staff, families and other agencies. The SENCO will be aware of the provision in the Local Offer and be able to work with professionals providing a support role to families to ensure that learners with SEND receive appropriate support and high-quality teaching.

  • Communication and interaction
  • Cognition and learning
  • Social, emotional, and mental health difficulties
  • Sensory or physical
  • Quality first teaching is at the heart of a truly inclusive curriculum.
  • Learning needs are met through a broad, balanced, and relevant curriculum taught by teachers who are experts in their fields; we have a very experienced set of teachers bringing a wealth of knowledge, expertise and challenge to each lesson.
  • All teachers are teachers of SEND and receive regular training linked to SEND
  • Students undertake assessments throughout the year and have opportunities to display their knowledge, successes and to gain important feedback and support where needed in structured intervention sessions.
  • All students have a form tutor who maintains an overview of both their academic progress and their emotional health and well-being.
  • Teachers ensure students are supported, scaffolded and stretched in lessons with appropriate homework set.
  • Students with an Educational Health Care Plan (ECHP) will have a named key worker from the SEND Team – this will be either the SENCO or the Inclusion Lead (SLT).
  • Learners coded as K on the SEND register will have a named coach from the SEND Team. Meetings will be held once a term with the coach, as per the SEND code of practice.
  • The Hub provision provides a space for some learners with SEND – this is closely monitored by the SENCO and Inclusion Lead
  • Where appropriate students will have access to IT devices to support their learning such as laptops or a reader pen.
  • All SEND students’ academic progress will be monitored using assessments that are appropriate and relevant to their learning.
  • Throughout the academic year the SEND Team will review students’ next steps and targets to ensure the students are making progress. Students with an EHCP or coded K will have their academic tracking analysed by their coach.

At Selston High School we recognise that people, situations and circumstances often need to be treated individually ensuring all students are ready to learn, can access the curriculum and can make outstanding progress.  

The essence of equity versus equality is highlighted in the picture below.