Modern Foreign Languages
Subject Leader Mr D Sullivan

Through the study of a foreign language, our students discover new cultures and widen their horizons while enjoying their experience in a positive and purposeful learning environment. Our enthusiastic and dedicated team of linguists believe that the study of a foreign language helps students develop an openness to and appreciation of other cultures as well as developing their resilience and independence, the ability to make connections and draw comparisons as well as recall information.

We encourage students to progress in all four skill areas of Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing while bringing languages alive through a range of interactive and varied lessons which incorporate a clear focus on grammar and key vocabulary within the context of high impact learning activities which enable students to become confident linguists and achieve their potential.

Our team also promotes language learning through house competitions, assemblies, and trips abroad.

At Key Stage 3 students’ study either French or Spanish and have an option to continue with their foreign language at GCSE.