Our Vision: To empower all students to actively engage in learning about themselves and their relationships with others; to safeguard them whilst preparing them for a challenging and changing world
Young people need our support in world with rapidly changing threats, opportunities, ideas and misinformation. PHSE give us the opportunity to discuss these issues in a safe and understanding environment; safeguarding all our community and responding to local and global issues as they arise.
As a school we wholeheartedly support the philosophy of RSHE and believe it is best taught as part of PSHE lessons and enrichment. The programme seeks to promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils as well as preparing them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life in a digital age.
The aim of RSHE is to help children build healthy friendships and positive relationships in an age appropriate way. In RSHE our objective is to raise awareness of attitudes and values, developing personal and social skills and promoting knowledge and understanding. RSHE covers more than biological facts and information, it endeavours to help children develop self-esteem, self-responsibility as well as the acquisition of understanding and attitudes which prepare children to develop caring, stable, healthy relationships.
Appreciation of the value of self-respect, dignity, marriage, civil partnership and parental duty is encouraged in all pupils together with the sensitivity to the needs of others, loyalty and acceptance of responsibility. RSHE also looks at aspects of diversity in an inclusive and non-judgemental way.
RSHE is embedded across our curriculum through;
- Drop Down days
- PSHE/ RSHE lessons
- External providers
- Assemblies
- Topics in subjects across other subjects
- Via the enrichment program in year 7 and 8
It is inevitable that controversial issues may occur as part of RHSE, such as divorce, rape abortion, pornography etc. the issue will be addressed with sensitivity and at a level appropriate to the age group and developmental stage and will take in to account any additional SEND, in an objective manner free from personal bias. Consideration will be given to the potential for small group or 1-to-1 discussion for specific questions to be discussed. Account are taken of different viewpoints such as different religious beliefs. Discussion are set within the legal framework and students made aware of the law as it relates to these issues. Students are made aware that some information cannot be held confidential, and should understand that if certain disclosures are made, certain actions will ensue. At the same time students will be offered sensitive and appropriate support.